

This deeply personal artwork serves as a poignant reflection of the profound battle I faced, encompassing both a suicidal attempt and long-standing ideations, which reached a crescendo before I received my bipolar disorder diagnosis. The faceless woman at the center of the piece acts as a powerful symbol of the universal nature of this experience, emphasizing its capacity to affect anyone. Through this creation, I aimed to convey a resounding message - that amidst the traumas and tumult within us, we inherently deserve life, irrespective of our perceived scars or sense of unworthiness. My hope is for this piece to resonate with those who have weathered similar trials, offering solace in the understanding that they are not alone in their pain, and that their existence carries immense significance. Ultimately, this work stands as a testament to the enduring resilience that resides within every one of us.

The canvas dimensions are 24 x 30 inches

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