My name is Charde’ Brown….

My journey started as a desperate attempt to vocalize the years of trauma I had silently endured. Generation after generation, the weight of suffering, heartbreak, and abuse pressed down on me, suffocating my voice. I yearned to be heard in a world that demanded my silence. When the opportunity to express the pain, I carried finally arose, I found myself at a loss for words. It was through art that I discovered the language to convey the emotions I so desperately needed to release. I fought to breathe life into my existence when I had reached the brink of surrender. Art not only gave me a voice, but also became my path to healing and rediscovering myself. As I courageously shared my heart with an unexpected audience, I never anticipated the profound impact or the deep connections that would emerge from this journey.

I am a self-taught artist from Washington, where I find inspiration in the serene landscape and diverse community. My emotionally charged art delves deep into the realm of human feelings and past experiences, drawing from personal struggles and triumphs. With a versatile arsenal of acrylic paint, mixed media, as well as soft and oil pastels, I seek to unravel the complexities of inhibitions and the human psyche. Through the raw and unapologetic portrayal of nude figures, I visually articulate my inner battles and offer viewers a thought-provoking journey through vulnerability and resilience. My art serves as a sanctuary from societal pressures, striving to establish a profound connection with people on an emotional level. By creating a safe space for those who feel invisible, my work not only fosters empathy but also shines a compassionate light on mental well-being.