"Matthew 19:14"

from $40.00

On New Year’s Day of 2024, a significant and transformative event occurred in my life as my daughter and I wholeheartedly embraced baptism and dedicated ourselves to following the path of Jesus Christ. This profound moment symbolizes our rebirth and renewal, embodying a fresh start filled with unwavering childlike faith. The serene blue tones in this artwork beautifully mirror our immersion in the waters of spiritual rebirth, signifying the symbolic death of our former selves and our emergence into a life guided by newfound purpose and vitality.

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On New Year’s Day of 2024, a significant and transformative event occurred in my life as my daughter and I wholeheartedly embraced baptism and dedicated ourselves to following the path of Jesus Christ. This profound moment symbolizes our rebirth and renewal, embodying a fresh start filled with unwavering childlike faith. The serene blue tones in this artwork beautifully mirror our immersion in the waters of spiritual rebirth, signifying the symbolic death of our former selves and our emergence into a life guided by newfound purpose and vitality.

On New Year’s Day of 2024, a significant and transformative event occurred in my life as my daughter and I wholeheartedly embraced baptism and dedicated ourselves to following the path of Jesus Christ. This profound moment symbolizes our rebirth and renewal, embodying a fresh start filled with unwavering childlike faith. The serene blue tones in this artwork beautifully mirror our immersion in the waters of spiritual rebirth, signifying the symbolic death of our former selves and our emergence into a life guided by newfound purpose and vitality.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt 19:14